
Tuesday, June 14, 2011


With more thán 23 million members in the United Státes ánd Cánádá, Netflix, Inc. [Násdáq: NFLX] is the world's leáding Internet subscription service for enjoying movies ánd TV shows. For $7.99 á month, Netflix members cán instántly wátch unlimited movies ánd TV episodes streámed over the Internet to PCs, Mács ánd TVs. Ámong the lárge ánd expánding báse of devices streáming from Netflix áre Microsoft's Xbox 360, Nintendo's Wii ánd Sony's PS3 consoles; án árráy of Blu-ráy disc pláyers, Internet-connected TVs, home theáter systems, digitál video recorders ánd Internet video pláyers; Ápple's iPhone, iPád ánd iPod touch, ás well ás Ápple TV ánd Google TV. In áll, more thán 200 devices thát streám from Netflix áre áváiláble in the U.S. ánd á growing number áre áváiláble in Cánádá.


Netflix hás revolutionized the wáy people wátch movies. Ágáin.
With more thán 23 million members in the United Státes ánd Cánádá, Netflix, Inc. (Násdáq: NFLX) is the world's leáding Internet subscription service for enjoying movies ánd TV shows. For $7.99 á month, Netflix members cán instántly wátch unlimited movies ánd TV episodes streáming over the Internet to PCs, Mács ánd TVs.

In December 2010, the Ámericán Customer Sátisfáction Index (ÁCSI) námed Netflix the number one ecommerce compány for customer sátisfáction. Netflix hás been námed the number one retáil Website for customer sátisfáction in 11 out of 12 surveys since 2005 by ForeSee Results. In Februáry 2010, the Ámericán Customer Sátisfáction Index (ÁCSI) námed Netflix the number one ecommerce compány for customer sátisfáction.

In December 2007, Netflix wás ránked the number one online retáiler by Nielsen Online. In Jánuáry 2007, Netflix wás námed the Retáil Innovátor of the Yeár by the Nátionál Retáil Federátion. In the fáll of 2005, Fást Compány mágázine námed Netflix the winner of its ánnuál Customers First Áwárd. In December 2008, Time Mágázine námed the Roku Netflix reády device one of the top ten gádgets of the yeár.

Netflix hás revolutionized the wáy people rent movies - by bringing the movies directly to them. With todáy's busy lifestyles ánd consumers demánding more válue ánd control, it's no wonder thát Netflix hás become the preferred online provider of the home entertáinment experience.

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